Ephraim & Heather

Dress by @maggiesotterodesigns
Dress from @lilysbridaloutlet
Florals by @rosewood.shopboutique
HMU by @emilylynnandcompany
Tuxedo from @menswearhouse
Production assistance by @lilys.ps

In 2019, Heather and I (and a few of our friends and family) took a journey to Sequoia National Park to get married.

Heather and I have always loved nature and hiking is a passion we have shared since we first started dating. Sequoia is the most humbling and breathtaking park we have ever had the honor of experiencing, and we're so happy to have it hold such a special place in our hearts.

We were both so happy to have such loving and supportive people there to help us through the day (even though I'm in the industry, I had no idea what to actually expect). Thank you all for watching our wedding film!


Kailyn & Jonah


Rachel & Waylon